Gaining the 10 qualities of a Godly wife is a skill like any other. Skills are things you can learn. Of course, in order to grow in godliness, we must spend time with the One who can supply us with the ability to grow spiritually.
The Godly wife is one who realizes that she can never achieve perfection. Instead, she strives to be more like her Savior Jesus by emulating the characteristics and behaviors He modeled for us in Scripture.
Below is a list of 10 qualities that I believe every Godly wife should pursue when seeking to grow in godliness. Don’t feel like you have to adopt every single one.
The point here is to inspire you to desire to grow in the area where God is calling you to grow right now. Use this list as a guide to help you grow in godliness and become the godly wife you are made to be.
1. Prayer Warrior
The godly wife prayers for her husband constantly. She begins and ends her day with prayer. She never stops talking with her Savior. Prayer and communion with the Lord are integral parts of her daily life.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul is giving the Christians at Thessalonica some final instructions. Amongst the many, he exhorts his audience and us today to remember the importance of prayer, joy, and thanksgiving (not the one we celebrate in November), “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (NIV).
The godly wife doesn’t try to babble meaningless prayers for the sake of soundly holy. She prays from her heart and desires that the Lord be glorified with her prayers.
She understands that prayer is more than just asking God for things. It’s communication between her soul and its Savior.
Part of the godly wife’s responsibilities is prayer continually for her husband, her children (if she has them), and her loved-ones. The godly wife strives to have such an intimate relationship with Jesus that she never feels as though she’s prayed enough.
2. Devoted to Spiritual Growth
As part of being a godly wife, continual spiritual growth is a must. The godly wife understands the importance of Bible study, devotional time, and practicing other spiritual disciplines like fasting and tithing.
She is determined to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus. Because she knows that growth can be painful, the godly wife expects uncomfortable and even painful experiences to come her way.
She trusts that the Lord will be with her through it all and that she will grow closer to the Lord, as well as become more dependent on Him through suffering.
The godly wife knows that suffering of any kind is part of being a growing Christian.
3. In the Bible Daily
While this is something that many people struggle with, the godly wife understands the importance of being in the Bible every day. She intentionally spends time, at any given point in her day, reading the Bible and studying Scripture to further her knowledge and understanding.
Being in the Bible every day is something the godly wife knows will keep her soul fed and the enemy on his toes.
4. Encourages Her Husband’s Growth
The godly wife delights in her husband’s growth and progress. She doesn’t care who makes more money. All she cares about is that her husband is growing into the man God has called him to be.
Part of how the godly wife encourages her husband’s growth is by being his sounding board. She always gives him her ear and shoulder. She does her best, with the Lord’s help, to not be judgmental or critical of him, but rather support and lift him up.
Even when she knows that he’s wrong, she doesn’t destroy his spirit for the sake of correction. Instead, she prayerfully considers how to share her thoughts in a way that will promote her husband’s spiritual growth as a godly man and husband.
5. Supports Her Husband’s God-given Desires
The godly wife understands that her husband has a calling of his own. She knows that biblically her husband has godly attributes he must strive towards. She also knows that he is a man with needs, goals, and dreams. The godly is open to her husband’s thoughts and ideas.
She supports his desire to change careers so long as they both sense the Lord’s peace and guidance to do so. The godly wife doesn’t negate her husband’s God-given responsibilities and encourages him to be the spiritual head of the household that he is called to be.
6. Compassionate
The godly wife is compassionate. She strives to be like Christ—slow to anger and abounding in love. She’s not perfect and she’s fully aware of that reality, however she understands the importance of extending grace, kindness, and compassion no matter what.
7. Teachable
The godly wife is willing to take correction and even find the nuggets of wisdom in unkind truth. She is open-minded and willing to learn, grow, and adapt when necessary. The godly wife is teachable and ready to listen when someone with more experience or knowledge shares something meaningful with her.
She doesn’t behave as though she knows it all, instead she humbles herself to the reality she will never know everything and that’s ok.
8. Servant-Leader
The godly wife is servant first and leader second. As her husband’s helpmate and the co-leader of their children (if they have them), the godly wife understands that the best leaders are the ones who serve with humility and gratitude.
She knows that the best leadership skills are the ones acquired under the most pressure.
She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty with hard work because she knows that it’s the Lord whom she serves.
9. Submits to God First, then to Her Husband’s Leadership
The godly understands that while her husband is the spiritual leader of the household, God is ultimately number one in her life. She respects that God has given her husband authority. And because her husband only has her best interest in mind, she is willing to submit to that authority.
She is not a welcome mat or a naive child. The godly wife seeks the Lord, does her due diligence, and consults with her husband on everything important.
She trusts her husband’s relationship with the Lord and thus trusts that he will not intentionally lead her or their family astray.
Ultimately, they work together in pursuit of God’s will for their life.
10. Always Willing To Follow God’s Will Even If She Doesn’t Like It
The godly wife is always seeking God’s will. As she grows in spiritual maturity, she learns that God’s will is not her own and that sometimes obeying God’s will isn’t fun.
She is willing to submit to God’s will even when it’s not comfortable because she trusts the Lord has her best interest in mind.
She trusts that the Lord will never lead astray and that His plans and timing are perfect. The godly wife is willing to confront the Lord when she feels uncertain knowing that He is happy to give her reassurances and peace.
She knows that genuinely seeking and desiring God’s will for her and her family’s life requires sacrifices and unhindered obedience with a joyous and grateful heart attitude.
Closing Thoughts:
The 10 qualities of a Godly wife are to be used as a guide. The godly wife is not perfect. She simply never gives up on trying to be more like Jesus. She has her days when the laundry piles up and miscommunications with her husband result of frustrations.
The difference between the godly wife and the ungodly wife is that the godly wife is always willing to apologize and take responsibility for her actions.
Use this list as inspiration for your personal pursuit toward spiritual growth as a godly wife. I hope you found this list helpful and are willing to ask the Lord in what areas you need to grow in order to better serve Him.