How To Survive Period Naturally



how to survive period naturally

Over the years, learning how to survive my period has been an uphill battle. I’ve struggled to cope with it since the beginning. To the point that it kept me out of school and actually affected my grades.

Among other reasons, my parents agreed to have me homeschool which gave me the flexibility to rest when I needed to and still graduate. Either way, learning how to survive my period naturally became something of a passion of mine.

Every woman experiences her period differently. Whether it be a life-altering nuisance or just a red puddle in the undies, periods are somewhat of a necessary evil.

It can plague women with horrifying symptoms that lead to medical diagnoses and treatments for severe disorders and yet we still settle, take the pain, and keep on living.

In this article, I want to share the things I’ve learned about periods and the menstrual cycle. I won’t go too into detail on the scientific research for the sake of time, but I have linked several helpful articles if you’re interested.

how to survive period naturally

What Is The Menstrual Cycle?

If you’ve studied any amount of basic human reproductive science, you know that women experience a monthly cycle that is repeated and repeated until around 50-years-old. From the age of approximately 11 to around 50, most women will experience what is known as the Menstrual Cycle.

This is the cycle that our bodies go through each month to prepare for pregnancy and when pregnancy does not happen, most of us have learned that we have in layman’s terms, a period, also known as menstruation or bleeding.

I’m not going to go into the science of the menstrual cycle too deeply because there are many other well-written articles out there that can explain things in a much clearer and scientifically sound manner than I can.

Check out these articles from other trusted sources:

Important Disclaimer:

Before we continue, it is important that I note that I am not a medical professional. This article is for informational and educational purposes only. If you or someone you know struggles with abnormal periods or overall struggles within your menstrual cycle, it is vital to your health and well-being that you do your due-diligence with research and that you don’t neglect seeking medical attention. Please remember to be your own advocate and be willing to learn and grow. Read my full disclaimer statement here.

That being said, let’s jump into the article.

Now that we’ve gotten the important stuff settled, let’s jump into the practical tips you’ve been waiting for. As any woman who’s experienced a period can testify, period is NOT fun. It’s literally a means to an end. That end being having babies, if you are so inclined to and medically able.

Since having babies is something I’d like to experience, I’ve had to find ways to cope in the meantime. Here are my tips and tricks for surviving my period as naturally as possible.

Mood Fluctuationsemotions

Let’s talk about mood because it’s a big one. Mood fluctuations are some of the most annoying symptoms any woman with a period typically deals with.

Whether you tend to lean toward being extra sensitive or extra irritable, or even somewhere in between, it’s highly likely your mood is being affected by your

period in some way.

Why Mood Gets Affected

Throughout the cycle, we have many hormonal fluctuations. It’s these hormones and their various—sometimes drastic—changes that impact mood.

Phases of The Menstrual Cycle and Hormonal Changes

  1. Menstrual
  2. Follicular
  3. Ovulation
  4. Luteal

Throughout the phases, there are four hormones that fluctuate for various purposes, such as egg formation in preparation for pregnancy, for example. It’s the naturally occurring changes from these four hormones (listed below) that often lead to changes in mood.

Image taken from—What is the menstrual cycle?

The Four Hormones of the Menstrual Cycle:

  1. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  2. Estrogen/Estradiol (E2)
  3. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
  4. Progesterone (PG)


Now that we have a better understanding of what can lead to mood fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle, let’s look at the 10 things I do to boost my mood. Please keep in mind that these things I’ve found to help me and they may or may not work for you because every human body is different and reacts differently to various things.

10 Things I Do To Boost My Mood

Part of how I survive my period is finding simple ways to boost my mood. Below is a list of things I’ve found helpful. I hope this list provides you with something useful.

1. Essential Oils—both for aromatherapy (via breathing and topically on my skin) and as dietary supplements.

Essential oils are fabulous natural body supporters. They gently assist body systems with their power healing properties. While most information about the benefits of essential oils is anecdotal, the individual testimonials of people using high quality essential oils and experiencing life-changing health benefits can’t really be argued with.

It would be wonderful if more research would be done in this area. Either way, there are 5 essential oils that I use that have really helped improve my mood, especially during my period.

  1. Valor Essential Oil Blend—When I use this blend, I feel a sense of peace and alertness, like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
  2. Lemongrass Essential Oil—This essential oil is so refreshing and invigorating. It gives me a boost of energy, especially when I’m feeling unmotivated, but have things that need doing.
  3. Peppermint Essential Oil—Like lemongrass, peppermint is also refreshing and revitalizing, but in a different way. I’m not exaggerating when I say that whether I’m diffusing it or wearing it I literally feel so refreshed through to my core. It’s very cooling and great for when I’m feeling overheated.
  4. Thieves Essential Oil Blend—I like to diffuse this blend, clean with it, and drink a drop of its edible Vitality counterpart in my tea when I’m feeling under the weather. I like to describe it as Christmas in a bottle. It’s cozy, warm, and gives me all the holiday vibes all year round.
  5. Citrus Fresh Essential Oil Blend—I like diffusing and wearing this blend because it makes me feel refreshed and energized.


Basically, each of these essential oils are energizing, refreshing, cleansing, and motivating. All things I need during my period. Lately, I’ve been enjoying diffusing peppermint and cedarwood. There’s something relaxing and refreshing about that mix.

2. Turning on diffusers—Little by little, I’m collecting diffusers.

My goal is to have one in each room in place of synthetic plugins and candles (I still love candles, I’m just being more choosy with using clean candles, but that’s a story for another article.)

Putting essential oils to diffuse fills my home with the glorious aromas of plants I could never keep alive in my climate and allows me the opportunity to experience their wonderful health and mood boosting benefits. Plus, who doesn’t want their home to smell delicious? This is the diffuser I use.

3. Doing some physical activity like cleaning to distract my mindhow to survive period naturally

I do enjoy low-impact and moderate exercise, but not during my period.

Instead, when I feel like absolute garbage, getting my body moving by doing something that will improve the quality of my environment really helps me to achieve multiple outcomes with one task like cleaning the kitchen. I feel better from moving and sweating a little and feel better because now my kitchen’s clean.

4. I prioritize my self-care:

    1. I drink decaf and herbal tea.
    2. I eat something comforting, if and when I get hungry.
    3. Take a shower, if I feel grubby.
    4. Brush my teeth, because sometimes I just don’t feel like it and then when I do, I feel so much better. What a shocker.
    5. Sometimes I’ll make the bed because, once again, seeing an improvement in my environment really helps to boost my mood.
    6. I take supplements like Flo Vitamins, B-Complex, and Iron

5. Put on uplifting, peppy Christian music

I do this to feed my spirit while I do stuff really helps me get out of my head. Sometimes I feel so terrible that just putting on nice music to distract me from my feelings really helps me feel better.

6. Watch something peaceful and uplifting on YouTube

Same thing, distracting my mind and helping me to focus on something positive and uplifting.

7. Drink lots of water

Staying hydrated is super important during period time. That’s why on top of drinking tea, I also drink lots of water, as well as electrolyte filled drinks.

8. I nourish my body according to its needs and cravings

Yes, you read that correctly. I give into my cravings during my period. Why? Because enjoying the thing I’m craving in the moment (if I have access to it) will not only help my mood because cravings are typically the body’s way of letting you know you need something, but also because it will keep me from binging later on.

9. I rest as much as I can

I know not everyone can do this, depending on work and family obligations, but I’m so grateful that I have the luxury in this season of life to be able to rest whenever my body asks. Resting is so healing for the mind and the body, especially during period time.

10. I read or listen to my Bible

If you’re a Christian, this one might be obvious for you. Consuming Scripture, either through listening or reading, is so helpful for feeding my spiritual hunger. Spending time with the Lord in prayer and meditating on Scripture truly lifts my mood even when I feel physically and emotionally horrendous.

I just want to emphasize that I don’t do all of these things every day of my period. I tend to focus on whichever one occurs to me in the moment. Different ones help at different times and not all of them help every time because my body and needs change throughout the month.

That being said, there are also a number of things I’ve discovered that make my period worse. So, below I’ve included a list of those things that I now avoid during my period and most of the time, if I’m being completely honest.

6 Things I Don’t Do Anymore To Survive My Period Naturally

1. I don’t walk barefoot, ever.

I always keep my feet either covered with socks and/or I always wear some type of house shoe/sandle to keep my feet off the cold floor. This has significantly helped reduce my monthly symptoms, especially cramping pain.

2. I rarely, if ever consume alcoholic beverages

I try to keep my alcohol consumption minimal for a variety of health and Biblical reasons, but I especially avoid alcoholic beverages right around and on my monthly time. I’ve noticed that my cramps get significantly worse and my mood is negatively affected. So no drinking for me.

3. I avoid dairy

Even before I became severely lactose intolerant, I had already begun noticing that dairy consumption would increase my uncomfortable symptoms and make me feel worse overall. Reducing and even avoiding dairy all together during this time has made a huge difference in my digestion and energy levels, as well as reducing my uncomfortable, even painful bathroom experiences.

4. I don’t restrict my diet or refuse cravings

By feeding my body what it asks for, when it asks, I’ve found that my mood and overall feelings of wellbeing have drastically improved, especially during my dreaded monthly time.

5. I don’t over-exercise anymore

I’ve learned that different parts of the female menstrual cycle benefit from different types of exercise and rest. For myself, I’ve found that by being more gentle with my body and not over doing the exercise, especially during my monthly time, has drastically reduced my symptoms and increased my mood and feelings of wellbeing.

6. I avoid caffeine

Besides avoiding caffeine because I have anxiety, I also found that avoiding/reducing caffeine during this monthly time has really helped reduce my symptoms. I drink decaf and herbal teas, and before becoming sensitive to it, I would drink decaf coffee.

I’m sure there’s more that I’ll think of later, but these are the primary ones that I know I don’t do or avoid all the time. By consistently avoiding or not doing the previously listed things, I’ve found, over time, my period and mood has greatly improved.

how to survive period naturallyI would like to end this section by saying that there is a high level of self-control I choose to practice in order to minimize feeling out of control and causing unnecessary distress in my home.

When To Use Over-the–Counter (OTC) Medication

I know that this article is about surviving period naturally, but the thing is that sometimes we need a little more support, especially if you have a period disorder like endometriosis.

Over-the-counter medications are simply defined as medications that you can purchase at your pharmacy or drugstore without a doctor’s prescription. If you have questions about any over-the-counter medications, you can typically ask the pharmacist on duty or do a quick online search on your phone.

Either way, they are fairly easy to access and can be purchased by almost anyone without little to know restriction. Some medications like NyQuil or Benadryl do require personal identification and proof that you are over 21-years-old.

Some Common Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers:

  1. Motrin—also known by its generic name Ibuprofen.
  2. Tylenol—also known by its generic name Acetaminophen.
  3. Midol—a combo of acetaminophen, caffeine, and pyrilamine that is typically used for period symptoms.


The reason I’ve included this information here is to remind you that even though you’re seeking natural remedies for your period, it’s still important to never forget that modern medicine exists for a reason.

Personally, I need ibuprofen in order to survive my period. It’s not a natural remedy, but without it I couldn’t function.

If I learn of other natural ways to relieve the level of pain that I get, I’ll definitely update this article with that information. For now, I encourage anyone who experiences pain, regardless of the source of that pain, to seek medical attention and to not be afraid to utilize the modern medications the Lord has blessed us with through scientists and doctors.

Of course, like anything, use them with education, awareness, and caution.

The same warning goes for using natural remedies as well, because even those can have side effects and allergic reactions. This is something many people don’t realize when seeking natural remedies and holistic alternatives.

Combining Natural Remedies and OTC Medication

Before you combine natural remedies with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, be sure to understand how each remedy/medication is meant to be used and how it is supposed to impact your body.

Not enough research exists at this time to explicitly say what impacts can occur when combining medications and natural remedies. I don’t say this to scare you, I say this to make you aware and inform you, which is the purpose of this and any other similar article.

how to survive period naturallyYou might feel like, “well what do I do?” You don’t need a medical background or to be a master herbalist to educate yourself and take the necessary precautions.

There are many excellent books and online resources that can help you become more educated with how natural remedies work and how over-the-counter medications work.

The hope that we have is knowing that a lot of natural remedies are very gentle and it would require you to consume or use a high volume of them in order to experience negative side effects, aside from allergic reactions.

So, the main thing I want to emphasize here is to simply educate yourself about the remedies and medications you’re looking to combine. Also, reaching out to a DO (Osteopathic Doctor) or a Naturopathic Doctor is a great way to get medical advice from someone who has both studied modern and natural medicine.

Most of the aforementioned doctors are trained and well-informed on the interactions between natural remedies and over-the-counter medications.

How I Combine Natural Remedies and OTCs

During my period, I use 200mg ibuprofen tablets. I typically take 2 (400mgs) when I feel discomfort starting. As I’ve gotten to know my body and its signals, I’ve learned that I can’t wait until I’m actually in pain to take medicine because once the pain begins, it will be several hours of intense, unbearable pain before I experience relief.

Next, I use essential oils and herbal remedies like tea to warm my body, support my body’s ability to cope with the discomfort, and fill myself with coziness.

I use heated compresses like a heated blanket and warm baths for pain relief. I wear socks and walk around in house shoes as I mentioned previously. Additionally, I keep my body warm since the cold is what leads to me having pain.

As I mentioned previously, I diffuse and topically apply essentials to my skin to provide my body with additional support from the powerful, yet gentle oils.

When my pre, during, and post period symptoms are affecting my digestion, I use essential oils like peppermint or the oil blend DiGize to support my digestion and help ease my uncomfortable feelings.

I also drink a lot of calming teas, like chamomile and linden tea. These really help to also ease any digestive discomfort and warm my body.

Closing Thoughts

I really hope that you found this article helpful. I’m very passionate about educating, encouraging, and inspiring people to be their own advocates and to educate themselves on how to best care for themselves.

I’m big on seeking medical attention, when you feel like you need it because that’s what medical professionals are there for. Even though I have had a lot of mixed experiences with medical professionals, I still stand by the importance of utilizing those resources, when you can/need.

All in all, I love exploring and learning more about natural medicine and remedies. I wrote an article on getting started with essential oils that you can check out if that interests you.

Either way, I hope to continue growing my knowledge and experience with natural remedies and then sharing what I learn here, with the goal of better serving you.

Thanks for reading this article. If you found anything helpful or would like to add to my lists of what I do/avoid doing to help survive my period, please share in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!

Thank you for being here and for being you! Always remember, you are fully loved, wanted, and accepted just the way you are!

Your Friend,

Bekkah xx

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I’m a military wife, homemaker, and Christian Health + Life Coach. I’m passionate about helping women find joy in the simple things through educational, encouraging, and inspiring articles, videos, and other digital content. READ MORE.

- Bekkah <3


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